In the Name of Allah. The Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
God almighty says in the Holy Quran: For every news there is a fact, for everything there is an appointed term and (TIME) you will come to know. (6:6 7 )
{ لكل نبأ } خبر { مستقر } وقت يقع فيه ويستقر ومنه عذابكم { وسوف تعلمون } تهديد لهم .
Firman Allah Taala: Tiap-tiap khabar berita mempunyai masa yang menentukannya (yang membuktikan benarnya atau dustanya); dan kamu akan mengetahuinya. (6: 67)

ManassehCall "Preparation"
"13 keys Blackflag"
key 2) 'O people: (remember) I'am the 8 ^ WORLD for the v 7, I'am Eve, farm for the kaum Adam, without my (kaum/women) community, remember: it would never happen and no human beings in this ^ WORLD.
key 3) ‘O people: I'am a poor, I'am a Orphan, I'am a low Income, I'am a rich, I'am a millionaire, and I'm the WORLD heritage of mankind.
key 4) 'O people: I have experienced all-natural nature of things that I am entitled and the fact that I’am the WORLD and do not deny.
key 5) 'O people: I have been diving into the ocean (for 24 years) until I find the pearl called GOLDMINE because I have found the key and I'am entitled to have the WORLD key. (remember) as well find the history of Siti Hajar and zam-zam, for patience and sacrifice God has blessed her and recognize as Siti Hajar founder and owner to the well!
Key 6) "O people: It is always best to speak with the matter say that we have become specialist to that matter.
key 7) "O people: We don't seriously said the matter of Al Mahdi is we've never supported him (regarding the issue Abolish the Tax). Shaykh Al-Akbar Muhyiddin Ibn 'Arabi, in one of the main paper, Al-Makkiyyah Futuhat says, "Know that the Al-Mahdi was definitely out, but it will not come out unless the WORLD is full of injustice and cruelty he will destroy it and replace it with justice. (key 1 ) Imam Mahdi a descendant of Rasulullah Sallallaahu-Alayhi -wa-Sallam, from the daughter Fatimah Radhiyallahu Anha. (Key 2) His grandfather is Husain bin Ali Radhiyallahu Anhu and his father was Imam Hasan Al-Askari bin Ali Al-Naqi bin Muhammad Al-Taqi the son of Imam Ali Al-Ridha the son of Imam Musa Al-tranquil one son of Imam Ja'far Al-Sadiq bin Muhammad Al -Baqir bin Imam Ali Zainal Abidin bin Imam Husain bin Ali bin Abi Talib Imam Radhiyallahu Anhu. (Key 3) The same name with the name of Rasulullah Sallallaahu Alayhi wa Sallam. All the muslims covenant (bai'at) to him in between the Rukun and Maqam (both existing within the Grand Mosque, Mecca). (Key 4) Seems similar to the way Rasulullah Sallallaahu Alayhi wa Sallam and the most blessed with the arrival of Imam Mahdi are the people of Kufah. (Key 5) He divides the property with a fair-share. Khidr Alaihi Salam runs on his face. (Key 6) He lives (rule) for 5 years or 7 years or 9 years. (Key 7) He will open the city of Rome with 70.000 people. He returned with the faded glory of Islam. (Key 8) He will wipe every kind of tax, and call going apart of Allah with the sword (the firm). Who followed the call for safe and who oppose will be killed. He was punished with a purely religious law. (Key 9) In many problems, he is different sects (mazhab-mazhab) which are well known. "Muhyiddin Ibn 'Arabi continues:" Indeed, when Al-Mahdi was out there all the muslims to be happy, both the leaders and members of the public. (Key 10) he has assistants who help him keep his mission. They are the wazir who perform all the governmental affairs and assist in all matters entrusted by God to him. (Key 11) At the time, Allah Taala sent down the Prophet of Allah, Jesus Alaihis Salam, which is in the White Tower, east of the city of Damascus. The Prophet of Allah, Jesus Alaihis Salam carried by 2 angels, to the right and the left. At that time those who are performing Ashar prayer "In other parts of his book Futuhat, Shaykh Ibn 'Arabi says: (Key 12) "God has appointed several people to the wazir Al-Mahdi is hidden for him in the underWORLD. But it does not work any better than it used to reason with them. The wazir was no more than 9 people, and not less than 5 people. Also mentioned in the book Futuhat: (Key 13)"Al-Mahdi is guided by the Muhammad Sallallaahu Alayhi wa Sallam inspired by the angel to him. It set the Shari'at law, such as the one mentioned in the Hadith of Al-Mahdi: "He That Follow my Sunnah" ('Allamah Shaykh Muhammad Ali Shabban: pp. 102, Al-Bayan, CET. IV, 1994)
key 8) We don't seriously said the matter Isa Ibnu Maryam thing is we have not repealed the business inventory of his arrival Abolish the TAX (cancel the tax). Al-Bukhari narrated from Abu Hurairah Radhiyallahu Anhu. Rasulullah Sallallaahu Alayhi wa Sallam. "By God that grips my soul. no longer Jesus, son of Maryam will come down to you as a fair judge. He will break crosses, kill swine, and abolish the tax (cancel the Tax/jizyah/upeti), and (then) abundant wealth, so no one is willing to receive zakat (the time no one eligible to receive zakat) and bow down to one (value/nilai/1Sujut) is better than Whole WORLD. (Narrated by Muslim Faith in the Book of Hadith 220)
key 9) 'O people: Were you not able to practice from the clutches of Tax (flee or emigrate) is you're not 1 of 1000 ' is to be careful!" in this case Remember: "Do not let yourself left by the Train" According to some evidence from the hadith of the Prophet Sallallaahu Alayhi wa Sallam, that 99.9 percent of the WORLD's population are people who will be tormented in the afterlife, "999 of 1000 people on earth are Gog and Magog" (Yakjuj & Makjuj), The Prophet. Would this amount of damage, damage to the faith is the most severe damage, dragging many people to hell. Supported by a hadith which states that they were 999 peoples in 1000 the population of earth is the "Gog and Magog" (Yakjuj & Makjuj) which will occupy the Fire. In accordance also with the other hadith says 999 of 1000 children and grandchildren Adam will be a member of the fire and only 1 successful into heaven.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Almighty God says in the Holy Quran: Indeed, those whom the angels take [in death] while wronging themselves - [the angels] will say, "In what [condition] were you?" They will say, "We were oppressed in the land." The angels will say, "Was not the earth of Allah spacious [enough] for you to emigrate therein?" For those, their refuge is Hell - and evil it is as a destination. (Nisa 4:97)
key 10) 'O people: We don't seriously said the poor matter thing is we have never been poor.
Fate/Destiny) 'O people: Let us not become like parrots that only talks, said," but the heart does not know himself well not even care about or want to help with the street right (Al’ Haq).
key 11) 'O people: I’am a blackflag race (kaum) from the east of the destined fight through sunatullah WORLD. This WORLD and I will submit to the Caliph of Allah 'Garonne Ahlul bi’at' Rasululullah Sallallaahu Alayhi wa Sallam which will fulfill this WORLD with justice, as has been fulfilled with brutality.
key 12) 'O people: I’am the blackflag of the races that will fight for key indicators Al'Mahdi Khalifah of Allah and the Prophet of Allah, Jesus Son Of Mary Alaihi Salam to the fighting on the sunatullah of ISSUE: Abolish the TAX by way of policy guidance.
key 13) 'O people: I’am and a black flag we shall race destined real way through the channel sunatullah Key of the earth or the Treasure of the or GOLDMINE or 1WORLD) to celebrate the fall of the Prophet of Allah, Jesus Son Of Mary end of time in the middle of the umat of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallaahu Alayhi wa Sallam!
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"KEY: Al-Mahdi KhalifahAllah"
Sabda Prophet Sallallaahu Alayhi wa Sallam: Before Al-Mahdi (show)
KEY 1) As-Sufyani will appear with 360 horsemen.
KEY 2) 30.000 then accompanied the team led by Kalb, of his uncle. As-Sufyani then deploy troops to Iraq. In this attack, 100,000 people were killed in Zaura of a city in the East. After that they will attack Kufah.
KEY 3) When it comes blackflag from the East. Then there is a question, O messenger, how can we recognize it?
KEY 4) He Sallallaahu Alayhi wa Sallam replied, 'He is the offspring, similar stature to the Children of Israel, as if his face illumined like stars, black flies his right cheek.
KEY 5) He was a handsome man, who was 40 years old. He will be attended by the Wali-wali Abdal of Syria, Nujabat leaders of Egypt, Asoib East and its adherents.
KEY 6) Sabda Prophet Sallallaahu Alayhi wa Sallam: Bearing the flag of Al-Mahdi is a man of the tribe of Tamim, who came from the East.
KEY 7) Sabda Prophet of Allah, Shallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam: Three hundred fourteen (314) among those who are female, joined the AlMahdi who will act on the leader are doing wrong and uphold justice as hoped for by everyone. After that, there is no longer good on this earth is more than good at the time of AlMahdi.
KEY 8) Sabda Prophet Sallallaahu Alayhi wa Sallam: Verily, when the outer Al-Mahdi, angel call from above his head, the Caliph Allah is Al-Mahdi, then you follow it. All of the human subject and obedient to him and enjoy his affection. Indeed Al-Mahdi was master (controls) of East and West. And it is a bai'at between Pillars and the Station, the first is the number of forces cut off (313 + 1 Women). Then came to Abdal of Syria, followed by Egypt and Asoib Nujabak from the East. After that God sent him to the blackflag (black banner) army of Khurasan and they moved to Syria. Sent him an angel of God and of 3.000 (Ashabulkaffi) is among the supporters."
KEY 9) Sabda Prophet Sallallaahu Alayhi wa Sallam: blackflag (black banner) will be out of Khurasan (The Youth of Bani Tamim Al-Harith met Harras and at the same time friends of Al-Mahdi (Army-soldiers) out toward Jerusalem.
KEY 10) Sabda Prophet Sallallaahu Alayhi wa Sallam: When a blackflag (black banner) out of the Khurasan, there will not be anything to prevent it until driven at Ilya (Jerusalem).
KEY 11) Sabda Prophet Sallallaahu Alayhi wa Sallam: People from the East would appear, then handed power to the Al-Mahdi.
KEY 12) Sabda Prophet Sallallaahu Alayhi wa Sallam: Will come out a man from across the river which is said to Al-Harith bin Harras, before which there was a man who told Al-Mansur, he will facilitate or help the family of Sallallaahu Alayhi wa Sallam like the descendants of the Prophet to defend Sallallaahu Alayhi wa Sallam. Mandatory every believer to help him or he said, Compulsory every believer to accept it.
KEY 13) Sabda Prophet Sallallaahu Alayhi wa Sallam: From Al-Hasan, the Prophet Sallallaahu Alayhi wa Sallam says disasters will befall the family, until Allah sent black flag of the East. Those who help will be helped by Allah. Anyone who insults will be humiliated by Allah, until they came to a man who such as my name. They also appointed him to lead them, And Allah came to help and to help them.
KEY 14) Sabda Prophet Sallallaahu Alayhi wa Sallam: Al-Mahdi will come after appearing blackflag from the eastern side of the team that always has not been defeated by any team.
KEY 15) Sabda Prophet Sallallaahu Alayhi wa Sallam: toifah Always there will be one among my people who are willing to disclose the truth. They can not be damaged (lost) by those who opposed it, until the next order of Allah (that day).
KEY 16) Sabda Prophet Sallallaahu Alayhi wa Sallam: There are 3 siblings who each fought each other near the kaabah of your savings. All 3 are children of a caliphate. Then no one among them who became caliph. Then comes the black flag of the East, then they kill you all (who are civil war) with the murder of a (very much) is not unprecedented by any group. Then he said something I did not understant. Then he said, when you see it, should bai'at him despite having to crawl on the snow because he is the Khalifah of Allah, the Al-Mahdi.
KEY 17) Sabda Prophet Sallallaahu Alayhi wa Sallam: If you see the black banner coming from Khurasan, so welcome it even if you had to crawl on the snow. Indeed in the middle of the blackflag was the Caliph of Allah is the guidance. The point is Al-Mahdi.
KEY 18) Sabda Prophet Sallallaahu Alayhi wa Sallam: There will be people coming out of the east, and they prepare the course for the Al-Mahdi, is confident his government.
(Narrated by Ibn Majah/AbuNuaim/Al-Hakim/At-Tarmizi/AbuDaud/An-Nasaai/Al-Bayhaqi/Al-Husin)
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"KEY: The Man From the East"
Sabda Sallallaahu Alayhi wa Sallam:
KEY 1 ) "There was a prophetic time for you, then the prophetic era took place as God wills it.
KEY 2) Then the Event time of the caliphate (Khulafa’-ur-Rasyidin Guided) that runs like a prophetic era. But those days took place as God wills.
KEY 3) Then He lifted the rule that took place last bite (age slander). Event times as God wills it.
KEY 4) Then God raised him well. Next Event era of oppression and zalimanun (the dictatorship era) and then the time it took place as God wills.
KEY 5) The Event is the time of the Caliphate (the time of Al Mahdi and Jesus Alaihis Sallam) that goes over the time of the prophetic way of life. Then he was silent. "(Reported by Ahmad)
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"KEY: Ahlul Bait & Blackflag Community From East"
Sabda Prophet Sallallaahu Alaihi wa Sallam: From Ibn Masud Radhiyallahu Anhu, he said, when we were with the messenger Sallallaahu Alayhi wa Sallam, suddenly came a group of young people from the Banu Hashim. When they appear, then the 2 points tears Sallallaahu Alaihi wa Sallam and his face changed. I asked, Why do we see the Lord face something that we do not like? He said,
Key 1) We Ahlul Bait have God choose for us more than the WORLD hereafter.
Key 2) The relatives will receive from the elimination of the disaster until after me will come a people from the East who brought along their blackflag.
Key 3) They asked good, but not given, then they fight and be successful and given what they ask but they did not receive their until this WORLD handed to relatives of a man of the people who will fill this WORLD with justice as well as the earth is filled with previous kedurjanaan.
Key 4) Any person who could find it, then go in unto them, despite having to crawl on the snow. Indeed he is Al-Mahdi. (Ibn Majah)
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